Tangmere Crescent, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 5PP

01708 551684


R J Mitchell Primary School

Aspire, Believe and Achieve!

Attendance & Lateness


Please telephone or e-mail the school office email address (office@rjmitchell.havering.sch.uk) on the first day of your child's absence and on each consecutive day of absence. In the subject heading of your email please put your child's name and class. Please contact the school on each day of absence. In line with guidance from the Department of Health to schools, please ensure that if your child has vomited or had an episode of diarrhoea, you allow 48 hours before they return to school. DfE regulations (Sept 2013) state that we are no longer able to grant leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Holidays are not classed as exceptional circumstances. Any request of absence should be sent into school via a letter addressed to the Headteacher giving full details. This should be sent into school at least 4 weeks before the period of absence...

Please make every effort to get your child to school on time. A pupil arriving late can disrupt not only his or her continuity of learning but also that of others in the class. Should your child be late for whatever reasons please use the main entrance to school and report to the School Office. 

School Attendance Records
Schools maintain attendance records in relation to all pupils and are required to submit an annual return in relation to any unauthorised absences. These figures are sent to the Local Education Authority for statistical purposes and these in turn are forwarded to the Department of Education.