Tangmere Crescent, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 5PP

01708 551684


R J Mitchell Primary School

Aspire, Believe and Achieve!



From May 25th 2018 the Data Protection Regulations are changing. This is why we are all receiving emails from organisations drawing our attention to their privacy notice and asking us to re-subscribe to their organisation/services. The new regulations are designed to protect our personal data and strengthen your rights over personal data. The changes in regulations, for all organisations, not just schools is a positive step forward that increases our rights to data privacy and security, as well as improving the protection of our personal information.

At The RJ Mitchell Primary School we are committed to safeguarding your personal data and have updated our Privacy Policy to reflect the positive changes of the new Data Protection Regulations. Whilst there are no significant changes to our current practice, the privacy notice sets out how we collect, store and handle data. We also set out how you can contact us if you have any worries or concerns. The privacy statement is posted on our school website for your information under the statutory information section. This new privacy notice supersedes any notice given to you when your child started school.

As a school, there will be no significant changes to the data we collect. We will continue to issue a data sheet on admission to our school and will continue to ask you to keep the school informed if there are any changes to your personal information such as address, contact numbers etc.

If you have any questions regarding how the GDPR affects you, or how our school is preparing for GDPR then please contact DPO on dpo.rjpm@theaspirelearningfederation.co.uk